Radio & Live Stream Mass: 104.7FM & New Ross Parish Website Live Stream, for all
Masses including Funeral Masses excluding 8.00am in Mount Carmel Monastery
Chapel. NO Masses in Mount Carmel on Monday, Friday & Saturday.
Mass Bookings: On Tuesday the 4th of February we will be taking mass bookings
up to & including July 2025.
Next Weeks Readings: FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME IS 6: 1-8. PS 137: 1-5, 7-
8, R/ V 1. 1 COR 15: 1-11. LK 5: 1-11.
Weekly Collection and Supporting the Parish: Collections 26th January 2025 @
€ 1,694.92 (1471 No. Envelopes & 2nd Collection combined). Should you wish to
become a regular Parish Contributor, please contact the Parish Office. We can also
accept donations over the telephone. Please ring the Parish Office. Thank you for the
support. Please make all cheques payable to St. Mary & St. Michael Parish Church
New Ross.
Parish Office can now take card payments over the telephone.
Bethany Bereavement Support: If you need support please ring 087 3846577. Drop
in Centre in St. Michaels Pastoral Centre on the first Thursday of every month @
St. Michael’s Pastoral Centre: Available for Parish based activities, please contact the
Parish office.
Radio Maria Ireland: Radio Maria Ireland is an Irish run Catholic Talk Radio Station.
Prayer, Catechesis, uplifting music, Talks, interviews & Testimonies – all Commercial
free – Listen via Free App “RADIO MARIA IRELAND”, streaming on
or via. PHONE – get live radio feed by calling +353 (0) 1 437 3277 (no extra charges
apply). Please join our growing faith Family!
Irish Catholic Newspaper: Available in the Parish Office @ € 3.00 each.
Church Carpark: ALL DAY PARKING PROHIBITED. Church grounds constitute a
sacred space. Parking is reserved exclusively for Church users. In the interest of safety
we request parking to take place in designated areas ONLY. One way system in
Holy Water Fonts: Holy Water Fonts at the Church Entrances are NOT Rubbish Bins.
Please respect them.
Parish Information John Murphy 2025-01-31T11:24:29+00:00