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Welcome to New Ross Parish Website.

Parish Office Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.30am to 2.00pm. Closed Holy Days & Bank Holidays. Wide range in stock of Mass Cards,
General Cards & Gift Ideas for all occasions. Mass Cards are also available in Nugent’s Newsagents, Cooney’s & Ryan’s Funeral Homes.


All services are available via. Telephone: 051 421348 and Email: info@newrossparish.ie. Card Payments are preferably for transactions. 

As a Christian Community we seek to put Christ at the centre of our Parish by promoting worship and prayer and by endeavouring to live out God’s commandments of love and service of each other as sisters and brothers in Christ.

Whether you are of a long established parish family or have recently joined New Ross community we hope it will provide you with useful information on all aspects of Community and Parish activity.

Membership of the Parish Community brings great strength and support in all the ups and downs of life. It is through the presence of each individual member that strength and support comes. The faith of each builds the faith of all.

See our contacts page for information on how to contact us. We appreciate your help and comments.

Please click the link Newsletter. to read this week’s edition.