Diocese of Ferns DONATE facility 2020-04-27T16:40:49+01:00


In response to requests from some parishes and parishioners of the Diocese of Ferns, an electronic DONATE facility has been introduced on the diocesan website – www.ferns.ie

The facility on the diocesan website – entered through the pink DONATE button at the top of the opening page – includes the names of curacies and parishes of the Diocese which are participating.

Parishioners can chose their curacy or parish, make one off or regular weekly payments and a balance sheet and financial transfer, will be forwarded on a scheduled basis, to the local parishes.

THE FACILITY IS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE PARISH (insurance, maintenance, light, heat etc.) IT IS NOT FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE PRIEST. No facility has been introduced centrally to deal with this matter.

The Diocese is aware that many individuals may chose to make their own arrangements, putting aside monies for the support of the local parish and priest, where their finances still permit.

The Diocese is also conscious of the current vulnerability of the finances of virtually all sectors of society. In the midst of financial distress for many, we recognise that financial contributions to church are secondary to the needs of parishioners.

